クリス・ウェビーのインスタグラム(chriswebby) - 12月22日 07時04分

Today marks the 7 year anniversary of the day Datpiff crashed for the first time EVER. I still remember my dude @kpdatpiff calling me on the phone and saying “what the fuck did your fans do to my website”

This was a pivotal moment in my career, and the first time people truly realized how serious my fanbase was.
We’re in the midst of another moment like that happening right now with #Wednesday .. I feel like people are finally starting to wake up and get past the preconceived notions they have in their heads about me.
Just keep spreading that word and showing people that while my fanbase may not be the biggest, it consists of nothing but thorough Spartans that have the strength of 10 of someone else’s fans.

Love y’all ??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



