ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 12月25日 22時51分

From @nytarchives: To be a #SantaClaus, one must be patient. First, Santas have to look the part. That might mean painstakingly attaching a tug-proof beard (in case a child pulls it and ruins the illusion), or styling the real thing with gel or mousse to get the curls just right. And there's the commute: Seasonal Santas, without the luxury of a sleigh and all those reindeer, face traffic jams and subway delays on the way to work, too. Then after squeezing into the suit, boots, belt and hat, a Santa must be always jolly. The kids, not so much. Last year, @nytimestravel tracked a day in the life of a Santa. Santa school, we found, teaches prospective St. Nicks how to talk with children and win over skeptics. But no matter the training, every Mr. Claus has met a wailing toddler. In 1978, one such child was Ben Zaitchik, 2, who was visiting New York City from Boston. We recently tracked down Ben, who, of course, was too young to remember the unhappy moment captured by our photographer John Sotomayor. Ben said in an email that his family also cannot recall the specific trip, but that “I do recognize the jacket so it's almost certainly me.” #?


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