ジョシュ・ブローリンのインスタグラム(joshbrolin) - 12月27日 06時48分

Damn creative types. Give me a break. People need to find a job is what they need to do. Typical liberal roaming around in the trash and whatnot, playing his little keyboard plinkity plinkity, probably crying about some tree that just fell down in some forest somewhere. Where you think CHAIRS come from, asshole?! Where you gunna sit in your hollywood chair if we don’t cut down a tree and build it?! EVER THINK?!? ...idiots. Beethoven probably had sex with his mother! Damn creative types. They should all be put in a home and let them all have sex with each other and do their drugs and beat on their rock guitars and whatnot and leave the rest of the world to fix everything that they messed up. Damn. Beer. Where’s my beer?!? #libralsgunnaruinEVERYTHING #whoswithme


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