マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 12月31日 08時04分

Last day of my first real week back in action. First day I ALMOST saw a tiny glimpse of feeling back to normal. Things are moving well (at all really), everything is SUPER TIGHT and achy (@romwod pls help) & everything feels stupid heavy even though it’s not. BUT all this is expected and things should be a step closer to normal next week :,) Plus how could anyone feel even close to okay with 10’s to end last nights two a day (first vid), then clean waves of 4’s and 3’s & more 10’s the next morning feat. other weird things wtf camargs (less than 15hrs after maybe??) R.I.P. but I survived another week so that’s cool


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



