Kim Chiuのインスタグラム(chinitaprincess) - 12月31日 22時43分

waiting for 2018,.
I am a strong believer of the saying “everything happens for a reason”. we may not know the reason behind it but it is God’s will and purpose.
2017 has been really “surprising” for me.
things I never expected to happen,. thankful for every second of the year,.
thankful for every day of the year,.
thankful for the people around me., new ones and old ones.,, every person you meet has a purpose in your life., and you’ll learn something from them either good or bad,.
thankful for my family, friends and new friends,.
thankful for the people who supported me and loved me for who I am.
most especially thank you for the people who helped me get through 2017!. thank you for taking a chance on me,. always grateful, always thankful.
“Life is a like a roller coaster, sometimes you close your eyes in shear terror and other times you just have to raise your hands up high in the air and enjoy the ride.” appreciate life even more! treat yourself once in-awhile.
Live, Love, Laugh!!! cheers to 2017!!!..
for you who’s reading this right now THANK YOU for making my 2017 a good one!❤️.
lets do this 2018!!!??? #chiurista


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