カリーヌ・ヴァナッスのインスタグラム(karinevanasse) - 1月1日 02時29分

2017, alors que tu arrives à ta fin, je revisite en image et en émotions les plus beaux moments dont tu m’as permis d’être témoin. ••• As 2017 is coming to its end, I am listening to this 2016 @onbeing interview with #RebeccaSolnit and revisiting images and emotions from this past year that will stay with me endlessly. Because when you witness life in its purest form, you can’t look away... « When all the ordinary divides and patterns are shattered, people step up to become their brothers’ keepers. And that purposefulness and connectedness bring joy even amidst death, chaos, fear, and loss. » - Rebecca Solnit


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