クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 1月5日 04時12分

Finally back at the office but a little flashback to how I spent my NYE. Celebrating the union of @karlaticas and AJ!
RANDOM FACT: I met @karlaticas during my styling days around 12 years ago , and soon after that we became partners in crime in building each other up. When she needed a stylist.. I was her girl , and when I needed a photographer she was always there (and still is). One day after a shoot in 2010 she randomly called me over and told me that I should start a “blog” and I answered “why? what would I do with a blog? What would I call it?”. And she came up with the name “The ELLE Factor” (any of my OG followers remember that???). Anyways long story short I am completely blessed and humbled that I can call this girl one of my closest friends in the business and even more proud that we stuck by each other thru the years. Grinding , hustling it out, and staying loyal and true to each other. Karla has always been a hopeless romantic talking about fairy tales and such. Most of her shoots are inspired by whimsy, sass, and romance... so this weekend was a dream come true to witness her fairytale moment. I love you Karla!! Now you guys can go thank her for making me start a blog almost 8 years ago! ??? #oncloudstine ???flowers by :@scarlet_blushes


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