コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 1月7日 06時53分

Reading all of your comments from yesterday, ugh! So much sickness going around! I was sitting at home feeling a bit sorry for us all and began thinking of our time in Bethlehem. We were told this Jewish folk tale of King Solomon’s ring. It goes something like this, King Solomon sent his palace guard in search of what he thought was an impossible task “a ring that cheers the sad and saddens the cheerful.” After much searching his guard came back with a ring with this phrase inscribed on it, “This too shall pass.” King Solomon was so amazed at the truth of this ring that he took off all of his fancy, expensive rings and placed this one on his finger as a reminder to not take for granted the good times because they don’t last forever and to not get too down during the tough times because neither will they. I hope this helps you today. If it’s a great one, savor the moment. Don’t take it for granted. If today sucks, remember that “this too shall pass.”


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




