タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 1月8日 09時03分

Sometimes i wish these dope ideas had a bigger place to live other than my piano. I wish as an artist i was just free to be as creative as i want to be without being judged or boxed in. I wish there was no urban song, or pop song, or crossover song. Just songs! I wish the color of my skin didn’t dictate the kind music I HAVE to do. Some will read this and not understand because they don’t know the business or the politics that go along with it. They just see a guy with a number #1 song asking for more. To be honest i don’t want more for me. I want more for you. For the creatives and artists that come after me who should be allowed to just be free. Lets keep fighting to tear these walls down! This is my prayer. #HappySunday


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




