ザ オフィス オブ アンジェラ スコットのインスタグラム(officeofangelascott) - 1月19日 12時37分

Just dropped off several pairs of shoes for residents affected by the recent mudslides with @dianiboutique who is at @hotelcalifornian providing clothing assistance for those in need. If you need shoes or clothing please DM @dianiboutique. @オプラ・ウィンフリー who is a resident of our Santa Barbara community once said “to move forward you have to give back.” Whether sending prayers or donations to those affected by the natural disasters in Santa Barbara county, or just simply living out your days through unsolicited acts of kindness within your own community. Let’s all find ways to give back, be kind and be grateful. #805strong #ilovesantabarbara


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




ザ オフィス オブ アンジェラ スコットを見た方におすすめの有名人