サマンサ・ペスゼックのインスタグラム(samanthapeszek) - 1月27日 07時15分

That look you have when you teach yourself a lesson...??.

Working out is typically my favorite stress reliever. This week, I seemed to be drowning in my to-do lists, work, and other distractions. Naturally, I completely put my fitness on the back burner. I finally forced myself to work out this morning & felt completely refreshed at the end.
Sooo Mental note: the more stressed I am (we are), the more crucial it is for me (us) to stay consistent with my (our) workouts.

Idk if you guys are like this, but working out makes me think I can tackle any obstacle & I instantly have a better outlook on situations! How do you like to handle stress in a healthy way?! Comment below... ⬇️


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