コリン・キャパニックのインスタグラム(kaepernick7) - 1月27日 12時26分

This next talented brother is a Hip-Hop artist, producer, and actor from Brooklyn, New York. He’s always supported me and he just hit up all the way from Asia, to get down with my #MillionDollarPledge! My brother @joeybadass going’ #10for10 with me and has added on with $10k of his own towards Communities United for Police Reform (CPR). That’s a combined total of $40,000 from me, @joeybadass and @ニック・キャノン! @changethenypd is a NY police reform campaign keeping us updated on all things NYPD and how to hold them accountable.
Joey, thank you for making an impact with your music, your platform as well as contributing $10,000 to help with Police reform in our communities. Head on over to Kaepernick7.com to see all the donations of my Million Dollar Pledge as well as all the others, like Joey that have matched and made contributions.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




