Kawaii.i Welcome to the world of Tokyo's hottest trend♡ Share KAWAII to the world!のインスタグラム(kawaiiiofficial) - 1月29日 16時13分

★Kawaii Contest 2017★
Thank you, so much, for every vote!
After over a month of polling, we received a staggering number of votes. Over 55,000! Needless to say, 2017’s competition was the fiercest yet!
To everyone who voted, we extend an enormous thank you for your support and participation! You’re what makes this contest such an exciting experience!
Are you still waiting for the big reveal? Well, you’re just going to have to wait a little longer! Mark those calendars, tune in, and witness the announcement of the next Kawaii Leader, during the March episode of Kawaii International!

#kawaiicampus #NHKkawaii


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Kawaii.i Welcome to the world of Tokyo's hottest trend♡ Share KAWAII to the world!を見た方におすすめの有名人
