ファイン・フレンジーのインスタグラム(alisonsudol) - 2月16日 11時03分

our landing this afternoon was much more successful, in that we actually got on land. earlier was a success in that it was a shockingly beautiful ride around and also we neither got eaten nor died on slippery algae death rocks. on our second outing, we had a breathtaking encounter with humpback whales which I didn’t capture because I’ve pretty much given up trying to capture wildlife with my crappy phone. this place is so much bigger than a teeny iPhone camera.
we were all profoundly moved by their proximity and elegance of being. then once we got ashore (which I had to take a motion-sickness pill in order to adjust to because now my sea legs make me dizzy on land- UGH) we had an afternoon laughing at/with penguins, who are so awkward and weird and wonderful. and the glaciers in the bay looked like we were on another planet. I am definitely falling in love with this crazy place at the bottom of the world #protectantarctic @greenpeace @dkharbour


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