Ainsley Rodriguezのインスタグラム(ainsley) - 2月19日 03時21分

Figure maintained year round - even in the midst unlimited luxury at #breathlessrivieracancun. I don’t believe in extremes. I don’t believe in ‘cutting’ or ‘bulking’. I don’t believe in completely eliminating any food groups you love - in my case wine, tequila and sweets. From personal experience, I believe that deprivation simply leads to binges and why many people give up on their fitness goals and lose weight only to regain it back and then some.
You overeat and binge because you think you’ll never have that food again. Truth of the matter is, it’s never the last time. It’s actually the START of a vicious downward spiral of fear and guilt. You vow to restrict yourself from all of the “bad” foods until you are thin/buff/wearing a smaller size.
But when fear and failure drive you, how can you possibly succeed?
How many times have you been going around and around? Once you choose to free yourself from restrictive eating, you will be free to spend your energy on emotional, spiritual, and physical parts of your life.  You may even begin to do all the things you have been waiting to do until you found diet success, instead of spending your time obsessing over a set of rules that have failed you time and time again.
Learn my Method ?? DM your e? for info on my programs ??
Resort: @breathlessresorts
Bikini: @immacul8_collection_


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