TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 2月21日 03時15分

In Paso Canoas, a shabby Costa Rican border town facing Panama, mannequins stand outside a women's clothing store on Dec. 21, 2017. The area, while known for shopping—locals from Costa Rica and Panama come to buy hard-to-find items—is also home to at least 15 smugglers, or coyotes, competing in the migrant trade. Among them is Katia, a mother of two, who calculates that she has sneaked between 500 and 600 people through the heart of Central America in the past 2½ years. In a series of interviews with TIME, she laid out her smuggling operation in detail. Read the full story, Smugglers Inc., in the new issue of TIME and on TIME.com. Photograph by @lisettepoole for TIME

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