アリミ・バラードのインスタグラム(alimiballard) - 2月21日 14時43分

#Repost w/ @ウィル・スミス・I want to share something that Nelson Mandela said to me.
He said, “With the type of fame that you have attained it is important when you encounter your fans that you — Reach Your Hand Out and let them Feel Your Flesh. You have to prove to them that you are REAL — because people can not aspire to anything they do not believe is Real.” .
So I say to you, Congratulations! Enjoy this Transcendent Moment. Go into the streets... Touch them... Let them know that you are real!
@チャドウィック・ボーズマン, @マイケル・B・ジョーダン @ルピタ・ニョンゴ @letitiawright @danielkaluuya @im.angelabassett #blackpanther
With Pure Delight
WILL :-)

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