Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 3月2日 04時23分

#WINNING is a state of being. In Mexico, we have a song called “El Rey” “The King” that says in some of its lines that “With or without money, I always do what I want, and my word is the law of the land. I may not have a throne or a Queen, or anybody that understands me, but I’m still the King.” This is what I mean when I say that A Lion is a Lion is a Lion. Mediocre people have made normal people afraid of #WINNING in order to cover their own mediocrity, so that’s why it’s important to send everybody to hell and follow one’s Heart. Since 2003, I have followed mine and it’s never been wrong, and I’m not saying that I haven’t been wrong, I am saying that by following one’s Heart there are no regrets at all. I rather be wrong by following my own inner voice than accumulate outside-empty knowledge by pretending to understand somebody else’s lessons just to fit in. Everything worthy has to be learned the hard way to be claimed as Power, if not, it’s just a burden. And this is why I admire a lot @コナー・マクレガー , because he’s cocky as hell but humble at the same time. One can tell that the guy doesn’t fool himself with empty ideas and knows exactly what he is talking about, then he walks the walk. Hope that you enjoyed the Mexican Song. Been listening to it for 30 years...
#PapaBearChronicles @コナー・マクレガー


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