ケヴィン・スミスのインスタグラム(thatkevinsmith) - 3月4日 14時56分

Spending my Saturday night watching the standup special that @comedydynamics was shooting last weekend, right before that ghastly fella with the scythe and dark robe showed up and tapped me on my shoulder. If I had checked out permanently, this would’ve been a great little document to leave in my wake: there’s some legit funny shit in it! I’m watching closely for possible edits (gotta get it down to 75 minutes) but also for possible signs of the impending heart attack. This dopey sumbitch in the video thinks shooting this show is the biggest thing that’s gonna happen to him that night. He has no clue he’s about to go on the adventure of a lifetime to meet the God of Death and tell him “Not today.” (P.S. - A very cool network has already bought the special. I’ll let you know which one it is when the deal’s done.) #KevinSmith #comedy #editing #whatadifferenceadaymakes


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