ベレン・モゾのインスタグラム(belenmozo) - 3月8日 08時27分

During my stay in Panama, I got introduced to their national dress ‘la pollera’. It was very special for me to learn that polleras originally came from Spain during colonial times, specifically from Andalusian women (like me ??‍♀️) during XVI century.
I’m curious, have you guys ever been to Panama? The only thing I missed in my last visit was the Island Bocas del Toro! Have you been there? ——————
Durante mi estadía en Panama averigüe un dato histórico muy curioso sobre las polleras. Las polleras son el traje nacional oficial de Panama y que viene de siglos atrás durante la era colonial española de mujeres andaluzas (como yo!). Me causó mucho interés!
Han viajado a Panama? Pudieron conocer la costa Pacífica y la del océano Atlántico? -
#visitpanama #panama #travel


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