ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 3月15日 04時11分

I am homeschooled and am crying at home and walking out of my living room because I️ have so fucking moved to be apart of this generation! Kids are incredible!!!!!!!! We are incredible!!!!!! Watching these videos right now of students walking out, I️ am reminded of the day in fifth grade when I️ went from school to Staples with my mom to buy school supplies when I️ turned around to see the news on stating that dozens of 5 year olds, like the kids I️ went to school with, the age of my brother at the time, were murdered in school by a gun. With two siblings in public school still now, every time I️ see a headline that there is a school shooting, my heart skips a beat, because at this point, everyone who is still alive is simply lucky someone didn’t go to school with a gun. I️ wish I️ had a more eloquent way to say this, but at this point, adults, we are begging you, change this. We are dying. Your children are dying. Our friends are dying. Our teachers are dying. Get behind us, take us to protests, find out what you can do to help us. We are doing more than any child should have to. We are possibly doing a lot more than you did. Believe in us, affirm our voices, recognize that young people have historically been at the front lines of every fight. Being young and processing the news is unfiltered, truthful, and raw: we are angry that we are dying. Help us.


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