ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月21日 03時57分

A growing homelessness crisis. Complaints about traffic congestion. Worries that the economy is becoming dominated by a wealthy elite. Those sound like California’s problems. But now they’re also among California’s leading exports. Just ask the citizens of Reno, Nevada where growing numbers of Californians and companies like Tesla have migrated to take advantage of cheap land and lower home prices. On a recent evening, Chance Reading, an electrician who’s lived in the area for 15 years, went to the City Council chambers to speak against a proposed development near his home on Reno’s outskirts. He wasn’t alone. “Our big message tonight is really about the pace of growth and trying to have a sustainable growth pattern versus a cycle of boom and bust,” he said. Chance’s concerns are a far cry from those of even the recent past in #Reno, which was one of America’s foreclosure capitals a little under a decade ago. But today, the city and the surrounding metropolitan area are so deep into another boom that local residents are starting to wonder if the rebound has been too much too soon. @jasonhenry took this portrait of Chance Reading near a the site of a new housing development. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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