マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 3月22日 15時57分

We are passing through the Spring equinox or Autumnal equinox if you live in the Southern Hemisphere. The moment each March when the sun is exactly on the equator and there is an equal amount of daylight in the North as there is in the South of the planet. Because of this it is a great day to recognize the equality of all humans.
Many cultures have holy days at or around this time, Persian New Year, Easter, Passover, Japan’s Vernal equinox, the Wiccan Ostara, the Mayan Chichen Itza and many others too numerous to list. It is also recognized fittingly as World Citizen Day.
So as we pass through this equinox let’s take a moment to witness that the places in the world that have longer days in summer, have equally shorter ones in the winter so the sun shines on us all with balance throughout the year and during this time in March and again in September all of us share the same hours of daylight.
To the sun, we are all equal and because it provides every one of us with life, perhaps that’s a good reason why we should heed it’s mighty message.
Happy equinox season to you all!!! Comment if you believe in human equality! #stayhuman #soulrocker #onelove #equinox #sun #sunset #peace #equality #happynawruz


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