アラン・ウォーカーのインスタグラム(alanwalkermusic) - 3月23日 03時05分

I’ve received a lot of stories and messages from you all during my career. It touches me more than you know to read about the struggles and challenges some of you have been through. Know that you’re definitely not alone. I’ve carried the burden of insecurities myself, like being shy or not being able to stand in front of large crowds. But I’ve overcome them, and I’m proud of who I am today. So should you be! Tomorrow I’ll release my version of the song #ThisIsMe, a song that really moved me from a film that really struck me in the heart. Thanks to @kealasettle and the whole cast and crew of The @greatestshowman for putting this important message in the spotlight.
Walkers, be proud of who you are! #ThisIsMe

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