トローヤン・ベリサリオのインスタグラム(sleepinthegardn) - 3月25日 01時25分

“This is not a moment, it’s a movement” #marchforourlives today. Tomorrow. And straight to the voting booths. I am so grateful to this young generation of brave Americans. You who are not jaded, you who believe you can effect change, that it’s not just “the way it is” who know your worth and the value of your being, and well being is more than what the gun lobby or the politicians who cower behind the NRA tell you. Thank you to those who march today, all over the country, thank you to those who will make their voices heard in the coming elections. Thank you for inspiring hope in the older generations. Because of you I believe We will see an end to senseless violence and apathy. This is not about taking away people’s rights or guns. This is about saving our lives. Thank you. @everytown


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