ガブリエル・デールマンのインスタグラム(gabby_daleman) - 3月29日 00時53分

I think we can all get so caught up in comparing ourselves to others. That we sometimes forget how truly valuable and loved we are by just “being us”. I know I do!! Maybe you follow girls that are so gorgeous and seem to have everything figured out. But I guarantee that they’re struggling with something too; because like Hannah Montana said “nobody’s perfect”. Remember that social media shows highlights of people’s lives, the good, the best and very rarely the bad,
I personally struggle with many different things. I’m not perfect in anyway. I’m a normal girl who’s living her dream by doing what she loves. I have good and bad days, just like everyone else. I do my best to keep myself together, but I don’t always and that’s perfectly alright! Everybody has their own path and just because yours might look different to someone else’s, that doesn’t mean it’s any less important. Everybody works at different speeds! So look after yourself. Love who you are and the life that you have because you’re beautiful and perfect just they way you are. Never change and never forget who you are. ❤️ I love you guys so much! Sorry this is so long but I needed to say it xoxoxo


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



