ハンナ・シモンのインスタグラム(therealhannahsimone) - 3月31日 09時55分

This morning I rolled out of bed and called my ride of die day one stoop sharing @katystoll and we walked to the neighborhood spot to get brunch her looking cute and me in my pajamas. The lineup was fifty people long so I went to a table in the back and called the order in for pick up and then we grabbed it and ate at the table like genius lunatics. Katy then went to wash her hands like a lady and I opened my phone and saw this @Vanity Fair article and I gasped. Out loud. And then I started to cry. This article is such incredible validation of the amount of hard work so many people in this town have been doing for so long. Representation matters. Inclusion matters. I can't believe that I am lucky enough to be part of this overdue movement. Anyway Katy came back to the table and thought I had heard the worst news ever and then I showed her and she became a crazy person too. This is so important and so insane and I just wanted to share. Holy shit, man. @koshadelhi @sarayublue @mouzammakkar ?❤️


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