PORTER magazineのインスタグラム(portermagazine) - 3月31日 21時52分

Introducing PORTER's Summer issue, which celebrates our first ever list of Incredible Girls. Starring the exceptional @カーリー・クロス - model, tech tycoon, and mentor to her generation - we highlight 30 women under 30 who have rebelled against the status quo over the past year and who have had the guts and bravery to speak up and challenge conventions. If these girls are anything to go by, our future is in safe hands.
See the full issue when it hits newstands everywhere on Friday, April 6.#PORTERIncredibleGirls
?: @studioakrans
Fashion Editor: @cathykasterine
Editor-in-Chief: @lucy_yeomans


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
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PORTER magazineを見た方におすすめの有名人