スタジオ ニコルソンのインスタグラム(studionicholson) - 4月1日 17時46分

FEATURE - Corinne Day by Natalya Frederick | Corinne Day’s most recognised work is undoubtedly her eight-page story The 3rd Summer of Love for a 1990 issue of The Face. Photographed in the cold, grey surrounds of Camber Sands on the English coast, the images depict the make-up free 16-year-old Kate Moss topless and laughing on the beach. The stark portrait of Moss in a feather headdress made it to the magazine’s cover and set the tone for a generation of image-makers. Work for i-D, Ray Gun and Penthouse soon followed as well as a controversial Vogue shoot at Day’s flat featuring a gaunt-looking Kate Moss. The story caused a media outcry, inspiring British newspapers to coin the term ‘heroin chic’. | Read the full feature at Studionicholson.com | #studionicholson #modularwardrobe #corinneday


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