カリ・ジョブのインスタグラム(karijobe) - 4月9日 13時43分

PLEASE HELP US PRAY!!!! Repost from @gatewaypeople UPDATE 2:
The doctors have discovered that Pastor Robert needs to have surgery to stop some internal blood loss. Please be in prayer that the Lord will guide the hands of the surgeon tonight! UPDATE 1:
Pastor Debbie sent us an update from Pastor Robert that we wanted to pass along. The doctors believe he has some type of infection. They are running tests that will take a few days to come back. We are so encouraged by the incredible outpouring of prayers and support we have received. Thank you for continuing to cover Pastor Robert, Pastor Debbie, and his family in your prayers. /// ORIGINAL POST: We just wanted to let you know that Pastor Robert had a complication after his surgery and has been careflighted to the hospital this afternoon. Would you please take a few minutes right now and pray for him? We know the power of prayer and when God’s people pray, He hears. We are believing for no more complications and that @PsRobertMorris will be on the road to complete and total healing.


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