サラ・バレリスのインスタグラム(sarabareilles) - 4月17日 12時43分

When it’s winter I forget to look up. I keep my eyes on the ground and my nose buried in my scarf and I am trying to just get from point A to point B most of the time. It’s an inward time I guess, but to be honest I just mostly hate being cold.
I just looked up tonight for the first time in a long time (even though it’s still kind of cold) and I realized these trees have been blooming and I didn’t take the time to notice. How poetic. How fragile. How optimistic of them. Reminding me that change is always happening whether or not I am taking it in. What else is blooming that I’m not seeing? I’ll get back to you on that. ??✨


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




