FOLKのインスタグラム(folkmagazine) - 4月23日 01時40分

Today is Earth Day. Our hope is that each year we take a moment to pause and remember we are simply passengers on this vessel called Earth. We have been gifted the ultimate privilege by the universe to sojourn here for a brief moment. We must remember to carry our actions with respect and with the understanding that we are only here for a brief moment, yet our energy and our light will live on forever. Our glorious home is filled with beauty beyond our comprehension, wonders that transcend our dimension, and a force that unites each and every one of us with a responsibility to respect our lands, our environments, and our surroundings. May this #earthday be filled with the greenest of pastures, the bluest of water, the clearest of skies, and a spirit of conservation. || Photo by @ourfriendmilo #liveauthentic #landscape #doggo #pnw

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