ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月25日 08時33分

Every big city has at least one street that’s a must-see for visitors. In Kabul, Chicken Street has been a magnet for generations of foreign visitors looking for Afghan exotica. It’s a shabby lane full of competing aromas, lined with shops selling jewelry, antiques, knickknacks, artworks and, especially, Oriental rugs. There are no chickens on Chicken Street in Kabul. And now, there are no customers, either. Foreign visitors are now so rare that their arrival creates a sensation. A steady spate of ever-worsening suicide bombings, including a recent one close to Chicken Street; a lack of faith in a corrupt police force; and rampant crime have done to Chicken Street what a Russian invasion, decades of civil war and even urban combat couldn’t do — driven shoppers away. Embassies and international organizations, most aid groups and foreign contractors have banned their employees from shopping there, depriving Chicken Street of customers who bargain poorly and pay dearly. @erintrieb took this photo of boys playing badminton on Chicken Street. Follow her to see more photos.


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