Jessica Arevaloのインスタグラム(jessicaarevalo_) - 4月28日 08時05分

Happy Friday everyone!?
Had a brutal leg workout today!? Videos to follow this post...
I wanted to address something that I get asked a lot by women. Maybe it’s TMI so if you’re a guy you probably don’t want to ready this!? I get asked a lot if I workout on my period or when I start my period. The answer is yes. I have always had the worst cramps and normally bed ridden for the first 1-2 days. But because I’m on prep I don’t have a choice to miss leg day like today. I felt extremely nauseous and had really bad cramps and bloat. But I can tell you one thing the pain on leg day def took the focus off the cramps and nauseous feeling!? Nothing compares to leg day pain!?
I got through 30 min of cardio too. I can tell you honestly it helped with my overall start to my day and the cramps and nausea subsided. In this pic you can tell I’m holding water in my stomach (as well as my hand??) I crack myself up!??
Moral of the story don’t be afraid to hit a good gym session even if it’s that time of month for you ladies I feel it always helps me more then anything!??
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