クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 5月3日 15時20分

Ok here’s when I’m supposed to post a fake deep caption to justify the bikini picture post—(that’s probably gonna take 8 hours to post since I’m out at sea with this sus WiFi-so here it is.
There is no such thing as being “too nice.” Now if your kindness constantly gets taken for granted or for weakness and you start getting punished for it- Then that friend doesn’t deserve your efforts and will have to deal with that void when you’re no longer there giving, trying and giving some more. Peoples actions will tell you everything their tricky words won’t. Nice guys and gals- stay nice-People are watching and taking notes. And remember it’s a hell of a lot harder to be nice than to be an asshole- jerks got it easy cause they only think about themselves and their feelings. Anyways #LifeIsShort #KindnessIsBeautiful #MeanPeopleGetMoreWrinkles ??‍♀️


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