ミーシャ・コリンズのインスタグラム(misha) - 5月4日 01時29分

Yesterday, I pulled the kids out of school for hooky because I’m going away for a long stretch. We made a list of fun activities for the day (bike, etc.) This one was Maison’s idea: Take the swing from our house & tie it to a tree in the park so we could swing from shade to sun.

Later in the day we were walking in a mud flat in a bay & my 7-year-old, West, said, “This is the best day ever!” & Maison, 5, very earnestly said, “Am I awake or is this a dream?” And from this I learned what I already knew: I don’t give them my full attention nearly often enough.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



