ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 5月8日 08時29分

So... story time.
Randomly booked a hotel while a biker convention was in town. Pretty sure I was the only person checking in with a car. Every time I’d walk by someone would just happen to be starting their motorcycle. Which almost ended my eardrums.
Is this the same as someone revving their car? Is it supposed to be a “ cool thing “ Cuzzzz no one was going anywhere. They just hung out on their bikes.
Also, walked into someone else’s room because they too left the door cracked open next to mine. Only to find it wasn’t my room and instead, it was an old man’s room who was walking around naked while his 2 chihuahuas almost ended my life. And my eardrums.
And I packed my 2 day trip in my @1stphorm Backpack. Everything. Guess I could have taken my motorcycle too. If I had one.


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