アンジー・ペインのインスタグラム(angelajpayne) - 5月10日 04時56分

Maine waters. Want to know a secret? I have always been very scared of the ocean. Not the things in it, but the water itself. I feel completely vulnerable when up against the power of the waves and never learned how to navigate through them, so the ocean was always an intimidating presence to me. But spending time in Maine last summer and more recently changed how I feel about the ocean, and viewing it from a fresh perspective through the camera lens gave me a new appreciation for its beauty and power and fascinating moods. The day I took this photo last summer was the day I realized how much I’ve been missing by being afraid of the ocean. I’m not sure I’ve ever looked at something in nature and felt like it reflected my mood as much as the water did on this particular day. So now I get what all the hype is about — the ocean is absolutely incredible. •

Canon photo


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