リー・トンプソンのインスタグラム(lea_thompson) - 5月11日 14時13分

It’s not yet #mothersday but I am thinking of my mom. She was 90 when she died literally doing what she loved most, painting. She didn’t apologize for being a lover of beauty and authenticity. She took care of herself but always made time for her AA brothers and sisters. She was passionate and hardworking. Spending all night practicing music, composing painting studying. She was funny challenging and never boring. And she gave me wings and the courage to try to fly. Mom you were a great artist. But thank you for also being a boss ass mom. #workingmoms. #singlemoms #momswithgoals #momswhomakeendsmeet #poorbutrichwithlove #imissyou #hugamomtoday


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