エミリー・ベット・リカーズのインスタグラム(emilybett) - 5月12日 02時42分

My ladies fucking crush it every time. @the__bangbang ・・・
Honored to be part of this project thanks to the incredible @farrahaviva @the__bangbang @shethority & my darling @エミリー・ベット・リカーズ .

I am biting the bullet for self doubt. For every time I told myself I’m not good enough. For every time I believed someone else was better for the job, smarter, funnier, prettier, stronger. For every time I was unkind to myself. For every time I wished I was different. We each hold all the wonder and beauty and power of the universe within us. If you don’t believe it you can’t use it. Shine shine shine, unabashedly. We are more than enough. We are everything. ❤️ What would you bite the bullet for?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



