ローワン・ブランチャードのインスタグラム(rowanblanchard) - 5月27日 02時16分

Whatever you are waiting for to happen under this administration is happening. ICE has torn 7000 children from the arms of their families and have “lost” 1475 of them. I don’t have much to offer up other than though I never identified with “proud American” politics (considering the deep ignorance that implicates for white American people to address themselves as) I can assure you I have never been more deeply haunted by that empty title until now. We should all be very, very sick. ICE are the kinds of unspeakable evil that has been historicized as being just that: history, not of this time. Yet ICE is detaining children, murdering brown people seeking asylum, and ripping apart families all while the president and his followers and even us- the “woke” mostly white liberals tell ourselves that things could be worse. The truth is things have hit That point, and have probably been at that point for so many communities besides our own. This is state sanctioned, murderous violence. We shouldn’t feel comfortable looking away.


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