アン・ハサウェイのインスタグラム(annehathaway) - 6月2日 04時49分

I am traveling and don’t have anything orange to wear but I still wanted to be a part of today.
Today I #wearorange to remember all those who have died, especially in schools, churches and movie theatres- spaces in which I grew up feeling safe but where the current generation cannot.
I wear orange because, as per @newsweek, more children have been killed by guns since Sandy Hook than U.S. soldiers in combat since 9/11.
I know Hollywood plays a part in the glamorization of guns, and that is something I am dealing with in recognition that change begins from within.
I would humbly like to remind everyone that movies are not real life, and the people who can’t tell the different are exactly the people adequate mental health screening would help prevent from getting a gun.
I also want to thank all the responsible gun owners who do not feel threatened by the call for common sense gun laws. We need your voices more than ever.
Peace- and policy change- xx


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