シンシア・ニクソンのインスタグラム(cynthiaenixon) - 6月7日 02時19分

So honored to be endorsed by @nationmag!
”In the end, this election—like all elections—is a referendum on the future. Do we want four more years of pay-to-play, where developers and political insiders call the shots? Or do we want a state government devoted to improving the lives of working people, with mass-transit systems that function, fully funded schools, criminal-justice reform, and health care and decent housing for all? Because if we do, there is only one candidate on the ballot in September who will even try to deliver those things. Her name is Cynthia Nixon, and she deserves your vote.” #thecynthiaeffect
Read more via the link in bio (thenation.com/article/cynthia-nixon-governor/).


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