スカイラー・カーギルのインスタグラム(skylarkergil) - 6月7日 05時12分

my #wcw goes to this amazing lady who comes up with the best plans, hikes up mountains for sunset even when it’s spooky dark on the way down, who makes the best spicy peanut sauce in the world, who grows tall peas and tomatoes, who has become a cat lady even getting two enemy cats to snuggle on her lap at once, who continuously moves in the direction of her dreams and her best life, and who encourages me to be the best partner and person i can be. thank you for loving me during a tough year and thank you for helping me see that this next year will be better than i could have ever hoped. thank you for preparing gluten free meals for me cause you know i’ll get moody when the gluten hits even when i don’t know that myself. thank you for encouraging me to grow and stick up for myself and my beliefs. thank you for being honest with me, holding me, and offering all of your light and positivity to me. i am infinitely lucky to be yours.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




