ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 6月7日 16時00分

Photo by @Joel Sartore This wattled curassow was affectionately named “Scud” because of the unique call this species can make, which sounds very similar to an incoming missile. The song is used in courtship as well as an alarm. A bright scarlet knob and wattles (fleshy overlapping of skin) on their bill gives the wattled curassow its name. It's a secretive bird but it can be seen 'tightroping' along tree branches in the Amazon River Basin of Central and South America. They do descend to the ground, however, to forage for insects, fish, aquatic crustaceans and fruit. While they were once common throughout their range, they have been listed as endangered in the wild since 2010. This is due to hunting and habitat loss. These birds are often found close to water edge habitats, which are easily shot by people. The Caldwell Zoo (where Scud was photographed) participates in the Wattled Curassow Species Survival Plan with other accredited zoos and institutions, helping to protect this species from extinction. To see another image of this bird visit @Joel Sartore.


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