ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 6月8日 01時51分

“...the piece in its completion, of course, has the markings of what it went through, both in my making it and that five-hour fire that it went through.”—Jackie Winsor, now on view in #GundStudioVisit
Inspired by dreams of buildings burning, Winsor created a structure out of wood reinforced with concrete. She set it on four bricks, and made a fire underneath it. The result is the work “Burnt Piece.” Agnes Gund reflects on what led her to purchase it saying, “ it really has been one thing that I've loved...it's just the subtlety of the way it's painted with the charred wood and the cracked wood, and the way it looks with, those different aspects that came by happenstance.”

[Artwork details: #JackieWinsor. “Burnt Piece.” 1977-78. Cement, burnt wood, and wire mesh. Gift of Agnes Gund. © 2018 Jackie Winsor]


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