シェパードのインスタグラム(wearesheppard) - 6月8日 07時21分

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, this is it. Every single day of the last 3 years has been leading to this moment. Today is the day we release our sophomore album 'Watching the Sky'. Slowly and painstakingly we crafted these 47 minutes of pop music that we're so proud to add to our catalogue. Its a big moment for us, and we have so many emotions swirling around in our brains right now - excitement, anticipation, anxiety, nervousness and of course GRATITUDE. We're so thankful that this is our job, we're thankful that we get to work with such amazing professionals, and we're thankful that so many of you beautiful people love and support what we do and that we had the chance to take this crazy leap of faith once again. We love you all, and we truly hope you enjoy what we've made. So without further adue, we present to you "Watching the Sky". ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



