キーシャ・エップスのインスタグラム(lovekeishaepps) - 6月15日 04時13分

Like anything else moving forward, it takes participants and the will. A bike won’t move unless the participant one- wants to ride and two- rides. A car won’t move without someone driving it. In all relationships: mother to child, child to mother, father to child, child to father, kids to pets, pets to kids, spouse to spouse, student to teacher, teacher to student, employee to employer, employer to employee, sister to brother, brother to sister, friend to friend, foe to foe. We put into, what we treasure and what/who we value. Sometimes we’re so engulfed, we forget that a simple “thinking of you” or “love you” will go a long ways. We can at least verbalize it until we can physically put it in action. #DoTheWork #TheRewardsRHealthyAndFruitful #LetMeMakeAFewCallsMyself


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