ロゼリン・サンチェスのインスタグラム(roselyn_sanchez) - 6月19日 07時57分

In cages? Is this for real?? Can we all talk about this? At all times... all the time... every second... every millisecond... Some few keep reminding my followers that this started with the Clinton era, Bush and Obama, but I don’t remember seeing these kind of images before? Did they exist? Can you find a picture or document representing exactly THIS that is happening in June 2018??
PLEASE SHOW ME since you few seem to know so much.
If I’m wrong, I’ll be the first one to apologize. So educate us... the ones that believe that this is an outrage and the most embarrassing thing this country has ever endured.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




