Grace Bonneyのインスタグラム(designsponge) - 6月25日 23時46分

I used to start every morning with the following routine: Work emails > social media > political podcasts > breakfast. But something finally clicked last week and I realized I needed to change my headspace. Now I start by getting out with the dogs in the morning and watering the garden that @turshen built for us and tending to whatever needs tending outdoors. I still listen to my podcasts and stay aware of as much news (from as many different perspectives as possible) as I can absorb, but changing the way the day starts has made a big change. It’s helped me realize how I was using social media to distract myself from just about everything and how much happier I was when I stepped away from it all. So today I started by doing this: cutting and cleaning collards from the garden and battling our current Boxelder bug infestation. The end result was this beautiful spread and I love it ?

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